Our Ministries
Kingdom Kids
Kingdom Kids is WCC's children's ministry. We are dedicated to helping pre-K and elementary students in our community learn and grow in Christ. Kingdom Kids meets most Wednesday nights throughout the school year from 6:00pm-7:30pm. Dinner is provided and transportation is available.
IMPACT Youth Group
IMPACT Youth is an outreach focused on the middle school and high school youth in our area. Our aim is to minister to the youth through fellowship, worship, and bible study. We meet most Wednesday nights throughout the school year from 6:00pm-7:30pm. Dinner is provided and transportation is available.
Our support of missions is an integral function of our church. We strive to meet local, state, and international needs, both monetary and spiritual. We currently support/partner with six (6) missions. Our Mission Partners are:
Acts of Love (local)
Camp Sooner (local)
FOCUS (local)
Cookson Hills Children's Home (state)
Ozark Christian College (national)
Message of Life (international)
The WCC Missions Committee also oversees the following significant outreach and discipleship ministries:
After School Tutoring Program
Coat Rack Outreach
Angel Tree Gifts for Cookson Hills Children
Annual Local City Workers Thanksgiving Appreciation Banquet
CPR/Heimlich Procedure Classes
Homebound Ministry to shut-ins